This page provides guidance on how an organisation can join IOHA along with a document which gives help and advice for those wishing to form a new organisation.  The document called ‘Model Rules for a National Occupational Hygiene Organisation’ can be accessed here.

Requirements for Membership

The following requirements must be met for IOHA membership

In accordance with Article 6 of the IOHA Articles of Association all applicant organisations will be required to provide evidence that they are:

  • Not-for-profit organisations.

  • The objectives of the organisation are in accord with those of IOHA.

  • Entirely separate (i.e. not funded, sponsored etc) by any governmental body. That is, the organisation must be civil, non-government organisation.

  • Non-discriminatory in terms of race, sex/gender, marital status, age or disability.

  • The organisation has a Code of Ethics

In addition they must provide:

  • A copy, in English, of their Constitution, Byelaws, Governing Instrument etc.

  • Details of the number of the members.

  • Details of the different grades of membership available, and how members are selected for any particular grade, and

  • A statement, signed by the senior officer of the Organisation (i.e. President, Chairman, etc) that, if elected to membership of IOHA, they would abide by IOHA’s Articles of Association and any Rules that may, from time to time, be passed.

Organisations wishing to join IOHA should contact the IOHA Secretariat with the following information:

  • The full name of their Organisation/Association/Society

  • Full contact details of their contact person during the application stage (name, address, phone/fax, email etc).

  • The number of members in their Organisation/Association/Society.

  • Details of the different grades of membership (if any).

  • How personnel are selected to those grades.

  • Any rules, byelaws, constitutions etc. that they may have (in English). A written confirmation that the Organisation/Association/Society will accept and subscribe to the objectives of IOHA, and accept and be bound by IOHA’s objectives.

Need to find out more?

For more information, give us a call or send an email via the contact form.