Finnish Occupational Hygiene Society (Suomen Työhygienian Seura, STHS)
Finnish Occupational Hygiene Society (Suomen Työhygienian Seura, STHS)
Finnish Occupational Hygiene Society (FOHS) was founded in 1975.
Our goal is to raise the level of knowledge and professional skills of the people working in the field of the occupational hygiene.
We offer information to everyone, who is interested in occupational hygiene. Please, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to tell you more about our society.
Finnish Occupational Hygiene Association is…
- A member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA)
- The only society in Finland especially for occupational/industrial hygiene professionals.
- A forum for contact between occupational/industrial hygiene professionals.
- A channel of influencing both national and international development of occupational/industrial hygiene.
- A channel of obtaining up-to-date information about occupational/industrial hygiene issues, occupational safety and health issues, and environmental protection issues.
The aims and main activities of FOHS
- To develop and maintain the expertise of members in occupational hygiene related issues. The most important event is the annual two-day seminar.
- To gain more visibility for occupational hygiene professionals, and to the discipline as a whole in the society.
- To influence the preparation of regulations and legislation, so that occupational health and quality of work environment are taken into account in decision-making.
- To develop occupational hygiene activities in Finland.
Full members
Full-time occupational hygienists, and other professionals having occupational hygiene related tasks.
Student members
College or university level studies in occupational hygiene or related discipline.
Senior members
Retired but still actively willing to join the community of OHs.
Supporting members
Field of activity is linked to occupational hygiene, occupational safety and health, or environmental protection.
Currently most members of Finnish Occupational Hygiene Society work at research institutes, industry, academia, governmental organizations, or in private consulting companies.