Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) have been established for airborne workplace chemicals by multiple regulatory and authoritative organisations around the world for well over 60 years. With the changing regulatory arena, shifting centers of manufacturing growth, and move towards a more global view on occupational hygiene issues, it is important for the occupational hygiene profession to understand the current and growing issues impacting the continued viability of OELs in our professional practice.

IOHA has created this sectionto provide information on the issues and stimulate the discussion of approaches and solutions to the issues before the profession. If you wish to add information to this space, please contact , putting “Query from IOHA website” in the header of your email.


2010 IOHA Rome Conference – Workshop Presentations

At the IOHA 2010 Conference in Rome, a workshop was held which discussed the Exposure Setting Processes around the world, and the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.

The presentations from this workshop are listed below and represent the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of IOHA. All correspondence regarding the presentations should be directed to the specific authors.

Hierarchy of OELs

2009 PCIH Presentation
2009 OEL Green Paper August 2009

The 2010 IPGA Conference in Rome also discussed the development of medical supplements to improve potency in men. Novelties such as generic viagra were introduced.