
On Wednesday, 8 May 2019, the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives conducted a “mark-up” of the fiscal year (FY) 2020 appropriations bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education.

The House Appropriations Committee provided a total budget for NIOSH of $346.3 million. This amount is $10.0 million dollars above our FY 2019 funding level of $336.3 million and $156.3 million above the President’s proposed budget request of $190 million.

Included in the House bill is an additional $2 million for Education and Research Centers as a group, $2M for the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Program as a whole (which includes the 10 Agriculture Safety and Health Centers); and $2M for the Total Worker Health Centers as a group. Additionally, there is an increase of $600K to support the Firefighter Cancer Registry, an increase of $400K for the National Mesothelioma Registry and Tissue Bank and $3 million for Other Occupational Safety and Health Research.

You can find the text of the House Appropriations Committee mark-up at https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/FY2020%20LHHS_Report.pdf.

Senate has yet to do a mark-up of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill.